Grand Falls Chiropractic Wellness Centre Patient of the Year
Our Patient of the Year for 2014 is Mrs. Linda Violette!
Mrs. Violette began her remarkable journey here at Grand Falls Chiropractic Wellness Centre in August 2013. When she first stepped into our doors, she felt desperate and discouraged. She reported many symptoms including lower and mid back pain, neck pain, constant headaches, high blood pressure, swelling of the ankles, irregular heart beat and overweight at 194 lbs. Mrs. Violette was determined to make changes, and sure enough with her commitment and dedication, her entire life began to change.
In Her Own Words
“During my first visit, Dr. Carole performed a complete, thorough spinal and neurological examination including full spine x-rays. She educated me on how chiropractic works by restoring your body’s inborn ability to be healthy. It does so by locating and removing the interferences (subluxations) affecting our nervous system. Through specific chiropractic adjustments, chiropractors aid your body to heal itself from the inside out. It restores and maintains proper communication between your brain and body. With her exercising, passion for chiropractic, Dr. Carole also believes in living a healthy and active lifestyle. Eating well, exercising, thinking well, and proper sleep are all factors to maintaining good health. With quality nutrition and supplementation, a chiropractic treatment plan and and fitness schedule, my journey to reaching optimum health began.
After several weeks, it all made sense to me. My thoughts became clearer, I was far more energetic and was beginning to live life to its fullest potential. Dr. Carole introduced me to a book called “Grain Brain” and taught me about the Innate and Paleo way of living. I gradually made changes to my eating habits. I went from eating a bagel with lots of butter and cream cheese with coffee for breakfast to eating berries and poached eggs with gluten-free homemade muffins with lemon water. I eliminated wheat, gluten, processed foods, fried foods, some dairy, sugar, white flour, pasta, and starchy vegetables like potatoes. I followed my wellness plan to achieve my goal and one day at a time I was changing my life.
In April of 2014, I was ready to take the next step. Dr. Carole introduced me to the 30 day Isagenix cleanse which is made from organic herbs, high quality vitamins and an exceptional mineral blend. It helps you to safely and effectively build lean muscle, lose visceral fat, cleanse away toxins, manage stress and improve overall energy.
In May of 2014, I challenged myself and started running with a friend. On my first attempt, I ran 3 kilometers. I had difficulty breathing, and felt like my body was going to fall apart. Within the next 6 months, I was running 16km in just under 2 hours and felt amazing. I logged in a total of 520km throughout the summer!
To this day, I managed to lose 50 unwanted pounds and feel great by eating real, non-processed foods, exercising and following my chiropractic schedule for a healthy balance and proper brain-body connection. I started skating again and do light weights which I had not done in a long time. I also started Yoga and Zumba classes which I love to do.
The best decision I have ever made was to walk through those doors at Grand Falls Chiropractic Wellness Centre and get the wellness lifestyle coaching that I needed to get back on my feet. I am and will be forever grateful for all of the advice and care I received from Dr. Carole and her friendly staff. The year 2014 has been life changing for me and I will continue my lifestyle for the years to come as I cherish every moment of the new me. I can now live a better, healthier, happier and pain-free life. This is my wish for everyone.”
— Linda Violette